Sunday 14 October 2012


Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Decision making
Problem Solving
Effective communication
Interpersonal relationship
Coping with stress
Coping with emotion
I read, I forget, I discuss, I remember, I do, I inculcate.

1.       Self-awareness includes recognition of ‘self’, our character, our strengths and  weaknesses,  desires and dislikes. As Socrates rightly stated “Man know thyself”. It is therefore very imperative that before we can understand our world, we must first of all discover ‘ourself’. Self awareness/discovery is therefore the first skill you must seek to acquire.

2.       Empathy - To have a successful relationship with our loved ones and society at large, we need to understand and care about other peoples’ needs, desires and feelings. Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person. Without empathy, our communication with others will amount to one-way traffic. Empathy helps us to accept people even in their differences and inadequacies, thereby helping us improve on our social interaction. Empathy will help us understand the principle of win-win which is crucial in business deals.

3.       Critical thinking is an ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner. Critical thinking can contribute to health by helping us to recognize and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviour, such as values, peer pressure and the media. It’s as critical as it sounds…go for critical thinking skill.

4.       Creative thinking is a novel way of seeing or doing things that is characteristic of four  components – fluency (generating new  ideas), flexibility (shifting perspective easily),  originality and innovation (conceiving of something new), and elaboration (building on other ideas). It’s simply the skill of putting our mind to work.

5.       Decision making helps us to deal constructively with decisions about our lives. This can have consequences for health, business and general wellbeing. For example, it can teach us how to actively make decisions about our actions in relation to healthy assessment of different options and, what effects these different decisions are likely to have.

6.       Problem solving helps us to deal constructively with problems in our lives. Significant problems that are left unresolved can cause mental stress and give rise to accompanying physical strain. The truth is that this skill helps us to tackle problems head on…as it is always said, a little drop of left unsolved grows into  an ocean that will hunt us after words.

7.       Interpersonal relationship skills help us to relate in positive ways with the people we interact with. This may mean being able to make and keep friendly relationships, which can be of great importance to our mental and social well-being. It may mean keeping good relationship with family members, co workers, friends or our community at large.

8.       Effective communication means that we are able to express ourselves, both verbally and non-verbally, in ways that are appropriate to our cultures and situations. This means being able to express opinions and desires, and also needs and beliefs. And it may mean being able to ask for advice and help in a time of need or knowing when to say “NO”.

9.       Coping with stress means recognizing the sources of stress in our lives.  Recognizing how this affects us, and acting in ways that help us control our levels of stress, by changing our environment or lifestyle and learning how to relax.   The acquisition of this skill ensures the elimination of suicide.

10.   Coping with emotions means involving and recognizing emotions within us and other. Being aware of how emotions influence behaviour and being able to respond to emotions appropriately. Intense emotions like anger or sadness can have negative effects on our life if we do not respond appropriately.

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