Tuesday 30 October 2012


Once upon a time, a well known painter was finishing his painting. It’s an incredibly beautiful painting. The painter was consumed by and excited with his own painting that he unconsciously started taking steps backward to admire it from different distances. He didn’t look back when he walked backward. He kept on walking backward until it was a step away from the edge of the tall building. Just one more step backward and he could get himself killed.
A man saw what the painter was doing and was about to shout at him to warn him but he then realized that his shout might have surprised the painter and thus make him take one step backward and fell down.
The man then took a brush and paint and began to paint on the beautiful painting until it was completely damaged.
 As he started, the painter started running forward towards his painting. The painter got very angry and moved forward to hit the man. However, some other people who were also present at the vicinity held him and showed him his last position which almost made him fall.
 Sometimes we have painted our future with such beauty and dreamed of beautiful days we will spend with our loved one. But then God seemed to destroy our beautiful painting when He sees what danger lies ahead of us. At such, we become angry and annoyed by what God has done to us. But one thing we have to keep in mind is this: God provides only the best for us, his children. Always expect the best.
We celebrate you!

Saturday 27 October 2012


Of what use is a well packaged product without a corresponding content? I've discovered that, It is possible to be well packaged but with a flabby character strength. Yes! Its rationally healthy and professionally sound to package your exterior but more important is your character strength; we've got Palace-living fools, Escalade-driving nonentities, broadchested and breath-taking-physique idiots and...you know more... True branding therefore begins from the inside-out. After the assuming accolade of the exterior is received, never allow your interior raise a hill of craps that will sabotage your identity. I don't mean to insult anyone but you and I know this is the truth. Rebrand from the inside-out!
We celebrate you!

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Starting a business requires taking risks and innovating where others haven't. Money, reputation and personal relationships are often on the line, but entrepreneurs have to know when to take chances -- and when not to.
When Branson launched Virgin Atlantic airlines in 1984 and Virgin Australia in 2000, his fellow board members were skeptical about the chances for success. But Branson recognized an opportunity and stuck to it -- and it has paid off. Virgin Atlantic now carries more than five million passengers a year, and Virgin Australia has become the country's second largest airline.

What's a great business idea worth if no one knows about it and you don't know any influential people to help you get it off the ground? A successful entrepreneur will begin networking early, and continue networking as he or she grows the business
When Branson began networking for Virgin Music in the 1970s, he was serious from that start about meeting with agents, persuading musicians to sign on and finding distributors. You can get started by attending industry events, joining regional business associations and by being active on social networking sites like Facebook, nairaland, twitter, blogspot and LinkedIn.

With economies shifting and technology evolving at lightning speed, change happens whether you want it to or not
With Virgin Records, Branson was a master at navigating change. From transitioning from LPs to cassettes to CDs, and from small shops to mega stores, Branson transformed the business model a number of times before selling the company to EMI in 1992.
Diagnosed with dyslexia, Branson left school at age 16 because he was unable to follow the curriculum. But he turned the disadvantage into an advantage as an entrepreneur.
In reviewing Virgin's advertising and marketing, Branson's colleagues read everything aloud, giving him a sense of the overall concept and allowing him to weed out industry jargon in favor of ordinary language.
“Whenever something goes wrong or you find yourself at a disadvantage, often the best way to handle it is to turn a negative into a positive," Branson says

No matter what age, entrepreneurs can think they know everything and have enough bandwidth to do it all. But entrepreneurs are human, with human limitations. Sometimes it's best to turn to people who know you and people you can trust for advice or assistance.
At age 19, Branson started a mail-order record business but never asked anyone for advice on how to carry out a business plan. Then he made a poor decision: smuggling records through customs to avoid paying taxes. Caught by British customs officials, he was bailed out of jail by his mother, who later became one of his most trusted business mentors.
“Thinking back to 1969, my mother's common-sense advice would have been just the thing I needed to hear," Branson says

From tapping into social networks to using old-school methods like phone calls, it's critical to connect with customers, let them know you're listening and that you care about satisfying their needs. Learn to add innovation to your customer connect, add empathy, get their phone data and learn to send happy birth day sms messages to your customers.
Branson for instance, uses social media to give him a real-time view of how his companies can improve. "Through customers' comments, we started learning about issues with our products and services more quickly than ever before," he says. "In response, we set up systems so that a customer who has a question or a problem can get a quick answer from our team. I try to answer a few questions every day from followers”.

Even when an entrepreneur starts out with a great idea, passion and a laser focus, he or she can become distracted. It can be tempting to make changes that don't always make sense for your overall goals. Some people go following after the business they think that is paying well. Branson recommends knowing your mission, making sure you get the basic structure right, installing the right team at the top and paying attention to details.
At Virgin America, for instance, Branson's CEO attends an annual training program to help "keep the enthusiasm that marked our early development. The point is to keep our teams up to date and connected, which prevents them from becoming complacent or settling for the status quo," Branson says.

It takes a strong personality to be an entrepreneur. But sometimes, business owners can feel tempted to be aggressive or even angry with customers, competitors and their own teams.
No one wants to work with a dictator or a bully. Successful entrepreneurs find a balance between being aggressive in business and treating those who work with or for them with respect and gratitude. If companies or individuals you deal with don't respond to a positive approach, they might not be the right people to do business with.
“I hope we are successful at Virgin because we engage with everyone in a positive, inclusive manner rather than in an aggressive, combative or negative way," Branson says

As the founder of your company, you may be the one telling the world about your incredible new product and showing it off at industry events. But this wouldn't be possible without your partners and teammates working hard behind the scenes. Teams that are happy and work well together can accomplish great things. You have to make them see the vision you see. They shouldn’t only see it, make them key into it and develop as much passion as you have for the goal.
Take the Virgin Group, for instance. It celebrated the Olympics this summer by taking part in fun races. "Events like these can help to break down departmental barriers and foster better teamwork as employees get to know each other in an informal setting," Branson says. "This can go a long way toward showing your staff that it is OK to have fun.

Learn when to sell your business. It can be difficult to know when to sell because, as a founder and entrepreneur, you can become attached to your business and team. It can help to seek input from trusted advisors about whether selling will be good for the overall health of your company.
Branson sold a number of Virgin companies over the years. Probably the most notable was the sale of Virgin Records to EMI. "It was a very emotional day for me -- at one point, I broke down in tears," he says. "Looking back, it's clear that we sold at the right time, and the decision made sense for Virgin as a whole. That secured our group's future and gave us a war chest for investing in new businesses.” At work
Starting a business requires taking risks and innovating where others haven't. Money, reputation and personal relationships are often on the line, but entrepreneurs have to know when to take chances -- and when not to.
When Branson launched Virgin Atlantic airlines in 1984 and Virgin Australia in 2000, his fellow board members were skeptical about the chances for success. But Branson recognized an opportunity and stuck to it -- and it has paid off. Virgin Atlantic now carries more than five million passengers a year, and Virgin Australia has become the country's second largest airline.

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We celebrate you.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Be Positive

Think positive

If you have a positive attitude, you will find it much easier to manifest your desires, as you will be naturally giving out positive emotional thought vibrations which will attract positive things to you. Even if you are not consciously trying to manifest something, your positive attitude will naturally attract more things to be positive about and you will be one of those people who seem to attract endless good fortune.
Try to remain positive at all times. This doesn’t mean you can never feel down or can never again have a good old moan, but you have to make your natural state as positive and as upbeat as possible. Get out of the habit of complaining about certain situations in your life. Stop any negative self talk, such as Oh I’ll never be able to do that’. Expect that good things will happen to you and that every outcome will be positive.
If something unwanted happens, try to see a positive side to it if you can. For example, if you moan that every time you have a little extra money, your car needs repairs or you receive an unexpected bill, try turning it around and start being thankful that you have the extra money to allow you to pay for these unexpected expenses.
I heard about someone whose car required so many repairs it was not economically worth repairing. He couldn’t afford to replace it, so decided he would have to go without a car until he had saved the money for a new one. He started cycling to work, and after a few months realized that he had lost two stones in weight and was enjoying cycling so much he decided to take it up competitively. So from not being able to afford a new car, he became fit and healthy and found a new hobby!
Always get into the habit of looking for the positive side to your problems.
Unfortunately our natural state is to feel either negative or at best in a state of what I call flat- neither unhappy but not particularly great either. It is very difficult to attract positive things into your life by feeling flat, as you are shutting yourself off from vibrating at a higher level; these vibrations flow best when you are feeling happy, positive and good about yourself.
Do more of the things that bring you joy, for whenever you feel joy, happiness and love you are connected most strongly to your higher self. Chat to your partner, laugh with your children, stroke or play with your pet. Meet up with a friend for lunch and have a laugh. Listen to your favorite music, or music that calms, relaxes or inspires you, or watch a television show that motivates you or makes you laugh.
Place pictures of your family, your pets or of you enjoying a favorite hobby around your home and place of work. Looking at them should help you to feel instantly more positive and full of love. Remember those good times.
Exercise can be a great mood lifter. Even a gentle walk can raise your spirits and boost your energy levels.
Nobody can feel happy all of the time, although feeling upbeat becomes easier the more you practice it, but start by finding things to feel great about in your life; laugh more, moan less, hang around with positive, upbeat people and try to avoid negative folk. Expect that things will turn out well and that if you experience a problem you will find a solution. Expect good things to come your way!
Not only will you start to attract many more good things than bad into your life, but you will be much more open to receiving your intentions.
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Thursday 18 October 2012


                                                   I LOVE THIS COUNTRY NIGERIA

The secret to gaining financial freedom is by finding a need and providing solution to it. People say Nigeria got problems and that Nigeria is a hard place to live. If Nigeria got problems it means that Nigeria is highly in demand of solutions for these problems...or should I list them, transportation needs, market needs, food needs, education needs, communication needs, technology needs etc for more than 160million people. You could just be that need solver. However the truth is that Nigeria is the only Land of all opportunities. A country not so regulated that you could almost do anything you want. You could start any kind of business you want, make any kind of noise you want, and in fact party any way you want (including, road block party, the Lagos people can tell more). It’s a land you can start with the little you have without having to go through much of government regulations as found in most other nations (like in the US, to open a barbershop or hair salon you have to attend a six months training program, write an exam and be issued a certificate for practice) who dares try that in Nigeria? That just makes Nigeria the home for all ...Dongote is rich because he is providing much of these needs, noodles, sugar, drinks, cement, cargo, etc Millions of Nigerians are living and eating “Dangote”. Think About this, imagine how many million Nigerians you could provide their need...imagine how much financial returns this would be. You guessed right, it runs in hundreds of millions. Start from what you need, then what your neighbor needs, then what your community needs, your state and maybe the whole federation... Think about this; Imagine that 10 million Nigerians wake up each morning depending on you for, say their tooth paste needs...You are made!


                              This words can change your life
      SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timed GOALS...
                              FOCUS: Follow On Course Until Successful
                              FAILURE: False Evidence Appearing Real

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Annie Ilonzeh

Carmen Ejogo
           Actress, Away We Go

Caroline Chikezie

       RAPPER: Soundtrack, Never Back Down

Chiwetel Ejiofor
           Actor, Children of Men

Christopher Obi

David Oyelowo

Dayo Okeniyi
        Actor, The Hunger Games

Ebbe Bassey
      Actress, A Spoonful of Sugar

Esosa Edosomwan
    Actress, 50 Bucks in Argentina

Enuka Okuma

Gbenga Akinnagbe
             Actor, The Savages

Grace Ayorinde
        Actress, Almost Broadway

Hope Olaide Wilson

Judith Shekoni

Megalyn Echikunwoke
                   Actress, Fix

Nonso Anozie
                Actor, The Grey

Vera Ephraim
         Actress, Blood Tokoloshe

Tinie Tempah
           Self, Episode #19.160

Taio Cruz
                Soundtrack, Rio

Sophie Okonedo
            Actress, Hotel Rwanda

Shirley Bassey

Singer & 4 times Grammy Winner

International Singer

Rakie Ayola
              Actress, Dredd 3D

Osas Ighodaro
         Actress, Cadillac Records

                                                                                                                             ...this list goes on and on
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Monday 15 October 2012







                                                                                         THAT'S THE MONEY GAME:
                                                    YOUR ABILITY TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION, WILL TELL...

Sunday 14 October 2012


Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Decision making
Problem Solving
Effective communication
Interpersonal relationship
Coping with stress
Coping with emotion
I read, I forget, I discuss, I remember, I do, I inculcate.

1.       Self-awareness includes recognition of ‘self’, our character, our strengths and  weaknesses,  desires and dislikes. As Socrates rightly stated “Man know thyself”. It is therefore very imperative that before we can understand our world, we must first of all discover ‘ourself’. Self awareness/discovery is therefore the first skill you must seek to acquire.

2.       Empathy - To have a successful relationship with our loved ones and society at large, we need to understand and care about other peoples’ needs, desires and feelings. Empathy is the ability to imagine what life is like for another person. Without empathy, our communication with others will amount to one-way traffic. Empathy helps us to accept people even in their differences and inadequacies, thereby helping us improve on our social interaction. Empathy will help us understand the principle of win-win which is crucial in business deals.

3.       Critical thinking is an ability to analyze information and experiences in an objective manner. Critical thinking can contribute to health by helping us to recognize and assess the factors that influence attitudes and behaviour, such as values, peer pressure and the media. It’s as critical as it sounds…go for critical thinking skill.

4.       Creative thinking is a novel way of seeing or doing things that is characteristic of four  components – fluency (generating new  ideas), flexibility (shifting perspective easily),  originality and innovation (conceiving of something new), and elaboration (building on other ideas). It’s simply the skill of putting our mind to work.

5.       Decision making helps us to deal constructively with decisions about our lives. This can have consequences for health, business and general wellbeing. For example, it can teach us how to actively make decisions about our actions in relation to healthy assessment of different options and, what effects these different decisions are likely to have.

6.       Problem solving helps us to deal constructively with problems in our lives. Significant problems that are left unresolved can cause mental stress and give rise to accompanying physical strain. The truth is that this skill helps us to tackle problems head on…as it is always said, a little drop of left unsolved grows into  an ocean that will hunt us after words.

7.       Interpersonal relationship skills help us to relate in positive ways with the people we interact with. This may mean being able to make and keep friendly relationships, which can be of great importance to our mental and social well-being. It may mean keeping good relationship with family members, co workers, friends or our community at large.

8.       Effective communication means that we are able to express ourselves, both verbally and non-verbally, in ways that are appropriate to our cultures and situations. This means being able to express opinions and desires, and also needs and beliefs. And it may mean being able to ask for advice and help in a time of need or knowing when to say “NO”.

9.       Coping with stress means recognizing the sources of stress in our lives.  Recognizing how this affects us, and acting in ways that help us control our levels of stress, by changing our environment or lifestyle and learning how to relax.   The acquisition of this skill ensures the elimination of suicide.

10.   Coping with emotions means involving and recognizing emotions within us and other. Being aware of how emotions influence behaviour and being able to respond to emotions appropriately. Intense emotions like anger or sadness can have negative effects on our life if we do not respond appropriately.

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When we were kids, we all had dreams of what we wanted to become when we grew up. But for many of us, along came “life” with it’s challenges and responsibilities – marriage, childbirth, ageing parents, health issues, lack of employment opportunities, etc.
So the question remains, what do you do when you feel pressured to choose between paper chasing and chasing your dreams?  On how doing what you love will translate to riches, for you in a matter of time your talent coupled with your passion will help you achieve excellence. And with excellence comes increased patronage or promotion, depending on what you do. This isn’t going to be easy though but in a short while you will forget the challenge as you begin to get the benefits.
Not to say dropping out of school is good…but we have an inexhaustible list of prominent people who have so followed their dreams that they dropped out of school. Do they regret it? No, of course, they are happy doing what they do...the names goes on like this

 Bill Gates co-founder of Microsoft Corporation
        Thomas Edison founder General Electric
      Orji Uzor Kalu: Founder of “Slok Group.” 
      Richard Branson Founder of Virgin Atlantic Airways.
       Lawrence J. Ellison: Builder of Oracle
       Michael Dell Founder of Dell Computers Inc. 
      Steve Jobs co-founder of Apple Inc and Pixas
      Henry Ford Founder of Ford Motor Company
       Walt Disney  founder of Walt Disney
      Ray Kroc owner of McDonald’s
       Cosmos Maduka: Founder of the Coscharis Group.
       Ingvar Kamprad: Founder of IKEA. Furnitures
       Simon Cowell: of the  American Idols
       Barry Diller:  founder of Fox Broadcasting Company.
       Andrew Carnegie: Founder of Carnegie Steel Company 
      Mark Zuckerberg Founder of Facebook
      Ted Turner founder of CNN

But before you could get the monetary value for doing what you love, you must have to make sure what you love doing serves as solution to someone.
I have a few tips:
1.      Identify your talent. That is something you think you do very well, or something people have told you countless times that you are good at.
2.      Identify and understand your passion. Your passion is that thing you could do for long time without getting tired. That thing you would always want to do even when you know you are not getting paid for it.
3.      Marry your talent with your passion. This helps you to fish out talents that you may have but not passionate about or passions you may have but not talented in them. We advise you to only pursue what you are both talented and passionate about.
4.      If your day joy isn’t your passion, refuse to be defined solely by it. Find something about your passion that describes you, even if it means including something like “Aspiring Comedian” in your profile.
5.      Spend time developing yourself in that area. Buy books, listen to audio tapes, and watch documentaries and movies related to that field, if you can’t afford proper trainings.
6.      Network and surround yourself with people of like minds…study the top persons in that field.
7.      Learn to take calculated risks. Know when to push, how far, for how long, and when to stop.
8.      Don’t centre your talent on making money. Money will come but understand that dreams don’t always involve making millions. Not everyone will become rich from pursuing their dreams. But if done the right way, you will make a decent living and of course you’ll be happy.
9.      If you’re quitting a well paying job to start something new, prepare for a pay cut! Cut down your expenditure, plan ahead and reduce your liabilities while you increase your assets. It is the sowing period.
10.   Finally, never settle for “second best”. Do your best to be the best at what you do. Strive for excellence.
If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well - MARTIN LUTHER KING JR
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